On which side in the car should sit the bride? Usually, the bride sits on the right side. As a rule, this gives the bride an opportunity to sit in the car first. As well as become a tradition since ancient times, the bride is always on the left hand of the groom, as the right hand should always be free to protect the bride.
Who opens the door to the newlywed’s car? If in a wedding car with married couples sits also a toastmaster then he helps the bride to sit down and out of the car, and the driver opens the door to the groom. If there is no toastmaster, then the groom along with the driver helps the bride to get into the car, also the driver opens and closes the car door.
How much costs and how long does take the car decoration? How to decorate a car?
1) Easy car decoration costs approximately 100 EUR, the amount depends on the choice of varieties of flowers.
2) If you use florists or flower shop, then we need the address of the institution, so that we could send out there our car for the decoration. In this case, you pay directly to the shop for the decoration of the car.
3) It is always possible to decorate the car itself. There is only one rule: after the celebration ended, the decorations should be possible to be removed without causing any damage to the vehicle.
With what must be considered during winter? These days it’s very hard to define the winter, although there are some aspects to consider during subzero temperature:
In the winter time travelling in a wedding motorcade will take more time, as the speed of movement of cars is not great.
In a very cold weather the car can be rather cold inside – more than 50 years ago the demands of the people to the facilities were a bit more modest. Our proposed Volga is equipped with an improved heating system, but the bridesmaid dresses can still be insufficient.
For decorating machine, you must use artificial flowers since frozen flowers are not the most beautiful. Like any other car, the Volga can also get stuck in snowdrifts in spite of the use of modern M+S tires.
The cheapest way of using a wedding-car? Let’s be honest, if you want something good and cheap you must have two things: one of them is cheap and the other is good. To lease a neighbor’s car with a full tank of fuel in the name of the wedding car is, of course, a cheap option. However, would it remain in the memory as a bright and memorable event for years to come? Probably not! And it’s not nice to see that a brand new wedding-car becomes old for some years to come. A particularly unpleasant is to watch, when on the 15th anniversary of the wedding you will see the same car somewhere on the rally. Another thing is a classic car. It is always contemporary.
Custom wedding car may be cheap, too – renting the Volga is not limited to the minimum time.
Is there any threat of a road hazard? Despite the fact that the vehicle is always in a good maintenance we could never give eternal guarantee of the fact that everything works flawlessly. If something should happen on the road, it will add a little adventure to the wedding, even if the couple will arrive at the celebration in tow. Then there will be something to remember and talk about.
How to pay the fare? It is always better to make payment in advance, as long as your wedding day should belong only to you, and the less problems and hassles at the end of the day are better for you. And, of course, there is the opportunity to pay before or after the trip.
How to pay if you need after the celebration the same car for returning home? Several options, but one rule – we can calculate as cheaply as possible. Usually it depends on the location and duration of the event. Payment for hours: the time of payment starts from the moment when the machine will leave the garage and ends on her return. If the celebration was delayed we can offer you the option to keep the machine in the garage and come back for you at the end of the celebration. In this case you do not pay for idle time in the garage. You can also order the car for the whole day. In this case, we will offer you the best price.
What should be brough into the wedding car? Importantly, do not forget each other. If the newlyweds are present, then everything else is solvable. It would do well to take with you some drinks. If registration / wedding will happen immediately after the beauty salon and the road might be long, then hunger and thirst are common. If desired, in advance, we can supply you with snacks and a bottle of champagne.